About Axelent

Since 1990


Axelent is a global corporation with establishments in over 60 countries worldwide. It has been an enormous journey, from the start in Småland with 6 employees to today having established itself globally in the world with over 350 employees. It is a journey that all of us at Axelent are proud and fascinated by. 

Developing and growing is in the company's DNA and something that all employees at Axelent experience and learn from daily.  We usually say that we at Axelent are like one big family. Nowadays, the family is quite extensive, but we still have managed to maintain the feeling of togetherness and participation which we highly value.

We call it One Axelent.

We are one Axelent

Creating the world’s safest workplaces by putting people first

We are one Axelent

Creating the world’s safest workplaces by putting people first

Axelent Safety Book

Get access to a world of knowledge - the foundation of progress, innovation and safety.

Open and accessible knowledge to all, our mission is clear: empowering individuals, industries, and workplaces worldwide to transform their environments into smarter, safer, and more efficient spaces. Whether you’re in manufacturing, construction, or logistics—no matter where you are or what you do—you deserve the insights that shape the future of safety and productivity.